No loss in load-bearing capacity, even where height is restricted

Güdel's new robot concept combines several features in a single unit. The innovative PA-5 robot gantry system is compact and powerful at the same time. Its swiveling, intelligently controlled axis enables it to handle heavy loads in the smallest of spaces.

The two-axis gantry is equipped with an additional swivel axis and really comes into its own in rooms with low ceilings. The PA-5 can lift and transport the same loads as conventional Z-axes. The height above the two-axis gantry, which Z-axes would otherwise require for lifting, is not needed with a swivel axis, which manages with virtually the same height as a gantry axis.

The PA-5's rigid and robust design allows it to move up to 25% more mass than a telescopic axis of the same size. The PA-5 can optionally be fitted with a mobile top vat, which removes the need to cover the entire length of the Y-axis. The top vat ensures that any fluids dripping from the workpiece (such as oil) are safely collected, and also acts as a protective guard against parts falling.

The PA-5, and all other Güdel products using linear, drive and system technology, are ideally suited for use by machine tool manufacturers. Thus at EMO, the leading international machine tools fair, many of the exhibitors will have items on display containing numerous Güdel components. EMO 2015 will be held in Milan, Italy, from October 5-9.

It's no wonder then that this year's EMO slogan is a reference to the PA-5: Full payload, even where height is restricted. But Güdel's other products shouldn't be forgotten either, and a selection of these will also be on display at the fair. Güdel's stand will be located in Hall 3 (stand number L03).

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Public Relations
Güdel Group AG

+41 62 916 9191

* Si tratta di un campo obbligatorio.